Career insights and perspectives

Acting on insights

Creating a Career Timeline is a visual way you can explore your own priorities and the skills and expertise you bring now and to future roles. I've created a very simplified version, you can expand upon it and add/change dates as you go.

Reflective Prompts:

1. What started you on your journey?

  • Was it something someone said about you or to you?
  • Was it a childhood dream?
  • Was it a role model?

2. What have I done in my life so far?

  • What have I studied?
  • What work or roles have I done that have impacted my direction?
  • What have I learned about myself?
  • What else has influenced my direction or my journey so far?

3. What am I doing now - and why/ how might this influence my future?

4. Looking forward - where might I be?

  • What would I like to be achieving?
  • What might I be doing?

5. Looking back - when I reach the end of my career, or a critical point - what might be the highlights and the stories I love to share?

Have fun exploring and reflecting!

Activity - What now?

1. How am I feeling about my career and studies - do I need to talk to someone?

2. Is there anything I want to do differently or that is new?

3. What will I do to keep motivated and on track?

Complete and Continue  